Dylan Chaundy
The new tidbit comes by way of a recent interview with British music publication NME, where the award-winning 66-year-old film director sat down and candidly shared some insight into the much-anticipated follow-up to one of the more memorable zombie/infected movies of the last few decades. Rumors of a third outing in the 28 Days Later universe were circulating since back in 2019 when Boyle spoke to The Independent and mentioned the horror fan favourite franchise, specifically saying that he and Alex Garland (the writer behind the original post-apocalyptic horror film and the writer-director behind 2014’s Ex Machina, as well as a frequent collaborator of Boyle’s) had “a wonderful idea for the third part.” It might come back into focus because one of the things that’s happening in the business at the moment is it has to be a big reason for you to go to the cinema, because there are less and less reasons. It’s hard for companies distributing films and for cinema chains to show films, they’re struggling to get people into the cinema unless it’s something like Top Gun: Maverick or a Marvel. But a third part would get people in, if it was half-decent. Nevertheless, officially 28 Months Later is still largely on ice, though it seems that Boyle and Garland appear to not have fully moved on from the project. One thing is for sure: we’d love to see the trilogy finally completed, especially if the original writer and director is involved.

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28 Months Later s Script Is Finally Complete  Says Danny Boyle - 86