Jake Su
In a statement shared via the official site, CCP CEO Hilmar Veigar reiterated that the team has “no plans to add blockchain technology into EVE Online’s global server Tranquility for the foreseeable future.” Instead, the development will be focusing on “building exciting new opportunities on top of the robust foundation that has been laid over the past two decades.” Although many at CCP Games have been keeping up with the technology and innovation for a while, they are also aware of the potential problems that may arise if such technology is used in EVE Online. As such, NFTs and the like are not being considered as the new frontier for EVE Online at this moment. “While we remain intrigued by the technology, for us, NFT stands for ‘Not for Tranquility’”, Pétursson added. “Overall the EVE IP will continue to push the boundaries of digital economies and virtual worlds – and we will continue to explore that outside of TQ.” With the Fanfest event set to return later in the year, this is a good move by CCP Games to put the fans’ minds at ease. It is still not a concrete rejection of the technology involved, but at least for now, players will not have to worry about NFTs making their way into the massive space MMORPG.

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