Do you know that the tech giant Apple recently announced the sale of one billionth iPhone, nine years after the first member of the iPhone family hit the markets, yes it is a long time. The virtual research institute Penny Stocks Lab (PSL) has created a tool that allows the user to monitor in real time over the internet, the coffers of the world’s leading technology or IT companies. In this way, simply you can track that how much money the tech giant companies like Apple, Google, Facebook and others are making every second. Only the creator of the iPhone wins over $5000 per second, yes it means Apple, according to the analysis of the PSL. Together, the main graphic companies even raise over $140,000 per minute, with the tech giant Apple dominating more than half of that amount. The tech giant Google is in the region of US $1000 per second, while the social media giant Facebook gets “only” $250 at the same time. It is curious to note that not all the companies can make a good profit margin of all this collection. Twitter, for example, can hardly take advantage of about $20 winning every second, with a similar performance to startups like Pandora and Yelp.