The great thing about PUBG Mobile is that it’s high on visuals, and the gameplay is pretty addictive. The graphics look realistic, and it’s full of fun. PUBG is available on almost every platform, including Windows, Android, iOS, etc. However, there are a few things that users need to consider before playing the game to get a better gaming experience. For beginners who have just entered the PUBG world, we have shared an article discussing 30+ advanced PUBG tips and tricks that will help you master the game quickly. We have received multiple messages on our Facebook page regarding a problematic issue. PUBG Players are complaining about the smartphone notch that interferes with some gaming elements on PUBG Mobile. Since Notches come in various shapes, PUBG Mobile developers find it difficult to customize the game according to the different notch shapes and sizes.

Steps To Optimize PUBG Mobile For Notched Smartphones

As we all know, notches now come in different shapes and sizes, which makes it difficult for game developers to customize the game UI to adjust to various notch styles and shapes. However, the latest version of PUBG Mobile introduced a special toggle to optimize the game for smartphones with a notch display. Here in this article, we will share a method that will help you optimize PUBG’s UI according to your smartphone’s design.

  1. First of all, download the latest version of PUBG Mobile. If you already have PUBG Installed, then make sure to update it.

  2. In the next step, open PUBG Mobile and wait until the game loads.

  3. Once done, tap on the ‘settings‘

  4. Under the Settings menu, select ‘Graphics‘

  5. Under the graphics settings, select ‘Notched‘ under the Non-Standard screens’

  6. Now, you will get the change notice in which you need to tap on ‘OK‘

Finally, tap on ‘OK’ and restart PUBG Mobile on your Android smartphone. Now you will notice that the UI elements have been moved slightly inward. So, this is how you can optimize PUBG Mobile for notched Phones. The best thing is that the settings automatically adjust the game per your smartphone screen. So, with these, you don’t need to worry about the notch interfering with the game. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.

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